Inspired by the Holiday Music that I was listening to all weekend, I came up with a short & sweet list of a few of my favorite "Must Have" crafty supplies...
can't live without them...
SHARPIES!! - I am a total Sharpophile. I love them, I use them everyday. They come in different colors, sizes, & are SUPER permanent. You will never get Sharpie off of anything. I also use Sharpies when I draw. It's something I started in college, but instead of using expensive ink pens for illustration, I just use a fine-tip Sharpie. We use Sharpies at my work everyday too. Nothing marks your measurements on styrofoam, than a Sharpie.
HOT GLUE!! - Okay, this is a new one. Through all my years, I used lots of different kinds of glue. I've done epoxy, professional strength super glue, rubber cement, contact cement, wood glue, foam glue, Elmer's glue, spray mount... but... There's something quick & easy & cheap about good-old Hot Glue. I used to think that hot glue was too "artsy craftsy" and that there had to be a better, more expensive, fancier, alternative. But Hot Glue is great! It dries fast, forms a strong bond, doesn't break down in water (which is mainly why I started using it more cause the expensive "foam glue" that I was using to glue the upholstery foam, would melt when I tried to felt over it). Don't look down your nose at the Hot Glue!!!
WONDER-UNDER - This is a new one too! When I started making my (re)GIFT BAGS, I would cut out the shapes, then glue all the edges down with fabric glue. It was messy & took a long time. Then I found the greatness that is Wonder-Under. Wonder-Under is an iron-on fabric adhesive that is double sided so that you can join 2 pieces of fabric together without sewing or gluing. It's pretty strong too. Also it have a paper back, so usually I iron on a side to a piece of felt, draw on the design onto the paper, cut it out, then iron it onto the other piece of felt. VERY EASY!! I'm also planning to use it on part of my booth display, it involves attaching felt to cardboard (I've tested it & it totally works, to rip the felt off, the cardboard tears!)