Monday, March 15, 2010

Back To Business: Week 2

Week 2 Topic:
How much is TOO much Social Networking

You all have heard me complain about trying to find a "Nice Balance" between the Real-World & my Online-Life for the past month. Having a full time job PLUS trying to continue to be creative PLUS trying to keep up with all the different Social Networking that is needed to have an Online-Life is really overwhelming.

I love to make things. This is why I started my humble little business.


I guess I didn't realize how much time you have to put into getting your name out there in the infinite World Wide Web. Every Marketing Blog (crafty & business oriented) always talks about how your need to have a FaceBook Fan Page... Twitter really brings traffic to your site... Blog EVERY day... don't blog too much people will find you annoying... Post in the Forums... Comment on other people's Blogs... Update & renew you listings everyday... Make sure ALL your graphics are the same (helps with branding)... etc... etc... etc...


Questions of the Week:

What Social Networking Sites are you addicted to? Which have you tried & think are WAY too much trouble?

Do you Etsy, Ebay, Blog, FB, Tweet, Flickr, Hoot, Post, Comment, etc?

As a Seller - What Sites are a must for your online marketing?
As a Buyer - Where do you find those artists with MUST-HAVE creations?

I think the most annoying Social Networking site that I just can't seem to keep up with is Twitter. I tried it last year, lost interest, got back into it in January, and (again) find it too overwhelming to keep up with. How do people find enough time to do everything, still create new products, and live a normal life?



  1. Hi Chrissy,

    EBay's the best for me. It already has quite few buyers so I don't have to do as much marketing as I would with ETSY. As for social networking, I keep it simple. I blog at least once a week. Sometimes more if I have more to say. I'm pretty consistent with my auction listing times and prices. I post in 2 different forums and quite few other blogs and I only post if I have time and if it's something that interests me. Facebook, Myspace and Twitter seem like a waste of time to me. I've never really got into any of them. My main focus with my blog is to eventually sell directly from it. I've been lucky so far and have sold a couple of items. If you want some really good advice on social networking and marketing this blog is a great resource. . I guess my best advice is to do what you enjoy. You're earning a living now so you're art should be all about fun. :-)

  2. Chrissy,

    Twitter is the one I spend the most time on as a seller. I post stuff on my personal Facebook, neglect my business MySpace, and always forget about my Tumblr blog. Your post is too true about how difficult it is to balance everything. Being in business for yourself requires such a dedication to every aspect, eeeeespecially the marketing. It was so nice to meet you yesterday! Hope you did well and I hope to see you around. :)

    -Lauren (Get Thready)

  3. Thanx Lauren!! I admire you for being a Tweeter!! I just can't get into it :( And it was awesome to meet you too!!

    And you are so right Robin (as always!) Being worn too thin makes you slim down & prioritize. You never know when something might jump up & throw a wrench in you system....

    I just got a call for some Union Work for a movie that you might have heard of... it has "Trans---" and a "3" in the title. This is just one more thing that will definitely give me even LESS time to keep up with everything...

    My Life-Motto lately has become:
    When it Rains... It Pours...
