I don't have much to share crafting wise today, but here are a couple news stories from today & this weekend I thought I would share.....

It doesn't rain much here in SoCal, so when I saw these clouds on the horizon I got really excited....
No, they aren't rain clouds...
That's just Los Angeles burning again...
Another story that I just read on the news this morning....
Disney to buy comic book powerhouse Marvel for $4B

I don't know how I feel about this... My parents owned a Comic Book shop when I was growing up. It was back in the early 90's (comics come & go in popularity every 10 years). It was great, & I really think that Marvel has brought itself back from the mess it was in in the late 90's. Their movies are (mostly) all blockbusters. I don't share political views very much, but this story kinda makes me sad. Why does Disney have to own everything? I think that giant corporations sometimes do more harm than good. I like the products that Disney puts out, but I'm scared for the future of Marvel. I guess they let Pixar do what-they-do, without coming in & taking over the whole operation. So there is hope! Very interesting... The article says that Disney wants to get more of a foothold on the young male demographic, why don't they just do some market research & come up with their own ideas? Well, I guess you could look at it like this...
"Congrats Stan Lee!"
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