Thursday, December 11, 2008


i really tried to get into the x-mas spirit yesterday by doing some x-mas shopping. it's kinda hard when you are on a budget & feel guilty about spending money that i could use on... um, say... food. it's really not that bad, i'm just pessimistic. but i did get a couple of things & only have a few left. and i only have to finish my mom and bother's handmade presents, & make my niece's. not worried yet, still have a week & a half to go before we head to texas.

on a super positive x-mas note, im mailing out Omaha x-mas presents today. I think the presents will actually be there for x-mas this year! need to finish packing the box, and i'm not gonna tell you what's in them, but here's a teaser...

you can try and squint to read the little papers... good luck with that!

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